Welcome to all who have stopped in to read "Stop Sac Bunting." Clearly, this site is not only dedicated to the useless nature of the sacrifice bunt, but about all things baseball. We mostly ignore mainstream issues and focus on pointless observations which are derived from an obsession with Baseball Reference. We will often study the forgotten players of the past, often bunt-mongers such as Jay Bell, backup catchers and left-handed relief pitchers. These players have FuManchu (however you spell that) mustaches, wacky windups and many times have batting averages lower than some speed limits.
Nothing about "Stop Sac Bunting" will change your life, but maybe it will change the way you view baseball. Instead of watching Derek Jeter or David Ortiz with stars in your eyes, you will glance into the dugout in hopes of a glimpse of Clay Bellinger or Jeff Frye.